Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Back at home, off bed rest with my newborn and I am missing writing terribly. So far, I have not been up to tackling a new chapter or even editing and I realize, I am at "the place". I have written what I judge to be 2/3 - 4/5 of the novel. I am not positive where/when it will end so I know this is a guess-timation at its best. However, even though I continue researching a bit here and there, I am taking a break from the actual manuscript itself so that when I return I will hopefully see it with a new perspective. Of course, with a newborn at home and two "big" sisters vying for his (and my attention), I will have to find a way to intentionally rest my eyes so I can see that perspective, but ... I look forward to rereading the manuscript in a couple of weeks. Until then, back to researching and side projects to keep my creative writing fresh.